
Las Niagara Falls se congelaron (+ Fotos)

El clima extremo de estos días en Toronto y GTA nos deja un increíble espectáculo que no te puedes perder. Las cataratas se congelan una vez más, brindándonos spots perfectos para tomar fotografías.

A pesar de las condiciones del clima, se esperan más visitantes en Niagara para ésta semana, quienes disfrutarán de maravillosas vistas que éste fenómeno nos brinda.

Prepara tu chamarra, tus botas de invierno y no desaproveches la oportunidad de ver y tomar fotos de éste paisaje.

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6 cold like Alaska

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📍Niagara Falls, Canada

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Part-time sign model

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Todo o frio valeu a pena! 💙❄️

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Presencia en medios internacionales

Vente a Canadá en los medios de comunicación

Booth Specs: 3m x 2m
Regular Booth: 7 Panels​
Corner Booths: 5 Panels​

People per booth: Max 3 people.

Printing Costs:

Quito: $60 CAD/Panel

Panel Size: 96.5 cm wide x 239 cm tall
Bleed: 1 cm bleed all around
All Booths include:

Table: 1

Chairs: 2

Tablecloth: 1

One Power Outlet: 2 connections

One light Source

Booth Specs: 3m x 2m
Regular Booth: 7 Panels​
Corner Booths: 5 Panels​

People per booth: Max 3 people.

Printing Costs:

Lima: $130 CAD/Panel

Panel Size: 96.5 cm wide x 239 cm tall
Bleed: 1 cm bleed all around
All Booths include:

Table: 1

Chairs: 2

Tablecloth: 1

One Power Outlet: 2 connections

One light Source

Booth Specs: 3m x 2m
Regular Booth: 7 Panels​
Corner Booths: 5 Panels​

People per booth: Max 3 people.

Printing Costs:

Costa Rica: $97 USD x panel +HST

Panamá: $85 USD x panel + HST

Santo Domingo: $85 USD x panel + HST

*Funds will be converted to CAD when invoice is issued.

Panel Size: 96.5 cm wide x 239 cm tall
Bleed: 1 cm bleed all around

All Booths include:

  • Table: 1
  • Chairs: 2
  • Tablecloth: 1
  • One Power Outlet: 2 connections
  • One light Source

Booth Specs: 3m x 2m
Regular Booth: 7 Panels
Corner Booths: 5 Panels (ALWAYS)

People per booth: Max 3 people.

Printing Costs:

Mérida: $75 CAD/Panel + HST

Guadalajara: $75 CAD/Panel + HST

Mexico City: $75 CAD/Panel + HST

Panel Size: 96.5 cm wide x 239 cm tall
Bleed: 1 cm bleed all around


All Booths include:

  • Table: 1
  • Chairs: 2
  • One Power Outlet: 2 connections
  • One light Source